Our Services

Traditional Chinese Acupuncture

Traditional Chinese Acupuncture

Did you know that the World Health Organization (WHO) committee introduced 43 disorders that can be effectively treated using acupuncture? The major indications of pain management, functional adjustment, immune modulation, mental health, IVF support and infertility have all demonstrated their effective response to acupuncture.
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Additionally, acupuncture analgesia (pain relief) is the most widely used form of treatment for various human disorders. For more details regarding acupuncture and its amazing properties, please visit the World Health Organization’s (WHO) website link below:


One of the most important concepts of traditional Chinese medicine is that a vital force and energy known as Qi, flows continuously through a system of channels in the body called meridians.

Acupuncture involves the insertion of fine needles into points located on the meridians and serves to stimulate the points located on various parts of each channel. The stimulation of points can subsequently activate the nervous system to promote the body’s natural, self-healing ability.

After acupuncture treatment, the structure and function of internal organs, muscles and tissues could be improved and pathogenic by-products would be decreased.

And most importantly, acupuncture is a type of natural therapy that utilises a holistic approach and has a history of over 3000 years. This unique treatment modality has almost ZERO side effects for your mind, body and spirit.

Does Acupuncture Needles Hurt?

Dr Steven has over 9 years of experience with acupuncture and uses a very precise and excellent needling technique. Over 98% of patients have reported no pain sensation during the acupuncture process. The needles we use in our clinics are very thin and the insertion generally feels like a very tiny mosquito bite. You are then left to relax for about 25 to 30 minutes to let the needles and your body do their work.

Is acupuncture right for me?

Although everyone’s condition is different, most people are suitable for acupuncture (including children over 6 months of age). Each patient receives individual treatments and is personalised on a 1-on-1 basis. Our practitioners will help you to find out your issue and give you the most suitable recommendation treatment wise. We are welcome for any questions that you may have.

What can I expect?

Please allow at least an hour for your first visit to our practice.

In your initial consultation, we will take you through a holistic diagnosis based on our Chinese medicine framework. Our practitioners will check your tongue and pulse to find out the individual cause of health issues and develop a unique treatment plan. We will then discuss your goals and talk through any acupuncture questions you might have.

After your first acupuncture session, you will leave your initial visit with a clear plan of your following treatments, combined with suggestions of lifestyle, diet, exercise, stress management and general wellbeing.

How many sessions do I need?

Most patients will feel improvement after at least five treatment sessions. However, due to the difference in each person’s own body constitution, some people will need more sessions to gain the most benefit, whereas others may see a difference after the first visit.

Cupping Treatment

Cupping is an alternative therapy that uses suction cups to invigorate the local circulation of Qi and blood, draws impurities to the body’s surface and has the unique ability to remove bodily toxins, all of which may help relieve muscle tension, promote tissue repair and healing, and boost overall metabolism.
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Cupping Treatment

Lose weight with cupping therapy

Cupping promotes weight loss and body toning by stimulating the acupuncture points that run along various lymphatic vessels. These special points provide the circulatory system with the energy required to metabolise body fat, including the fat around problematic areas and internal organs. Sometimes we combine this treatment with electro-acupuncture to further enhance its effectiveness.

Improves blood circulation and immunity

Cupping can enhance blood flow and strengthen the veins near the skin’s surface, improving blood circulation around the body and to vital organs. Cupping can also help to remove pathogenic wind and cold from the body, which from a Chinese medicine’s perspective is often related to conditions of poor immunity. A healthy blood flow in conjunction with the removal of these pathogenic factors can improve overall immunity and promote the body’s natural defence mechanisms against other external invaders.



Electro-acupuncture is the use of an Australian standard approved electrical device to provide a continuous, gentle stimulation to specific acupuncture needles. The mild current is delivered through the needles to improve the healing of inflamed or injured muscles and joints.
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It stimulates the nervous system to release endorphins and promote internal harmony and a balanced sense of wellbeing.

Many acupuncture related medical research studies have demonstrated the effective use of electrical stimulation on specific acupuncture points to relieve pain sensations, improve tissue healing, reduce nausea and improve organ functions as well as stroke, chronic pain, headache/migraine and weight loss or other issues required. Further detailed information regarding the evidence behind acupuncture can be accessed through research articles using the link below:

(link to be inserted here)

Electro-acupuncture does not suit people who have a pacemaker, so if you have one, please let us know.

Chinese Medicine Herbs

Chinese herbs and acupuncture usually go hand in hand and form an important component of many of our sessions at Good Hope Acupuncture

Chinese herbal medicine is a safe and natural form of complementary medicine

We offer premium quality Chinese herbal medicine approved by the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). It serves as one of the natural ways to improve patients’ conditions and can bring positive improvements to a diverse range of both acute and chronic illnesses, such as chronic fatigue, weakness of the body, IVF & fertility support, skin disorders, immune system disorders and much more.

Chinese Medicine Herbs
Channel Scubbing Treatment

Channel Scubbing Treatment

Also called Gua sha, is a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) practice in which a tool is used to scrape people's skin in order to produce light petechiae. Practitioners believe that gua sha releases unhealthy bodily matter from blood stasis within sore, tired, stiff or injured muscle areas to stimulate new oxygenated blood flow to the areas, thus promoting metabolic cell repair, regeneration, healing and recovery.

Benefits of scrubbing include removing stagnation and promoting normal circulation to the muscles and tissues, as well as good for musculoskeletal problems, especially major ones like tightness in the neck, shoulders, legs and back. It can also help alleviate tension headaches, migraines, neck pain or swelling in your body.

Auricular Therapy (Ear Seeds)

Ear seeds are seeds placed on your ear to serve as tiny acupressure devices. They're a type of auriculotherapy, ear seeding is something that is often used in conjunction with acupuncture to prolong the benefits of treatments

we use auricular acupuncture to assist with a range of health concerns, including:

  • chronic pain, especially low back pain
  • migraine
  • anxiety
  • insomnia
  • Quit smoking
  • weight loss
  • Dysmenorrhea
  • depression
  • digestive issues
  • allergies

Ear Seeds